Sunday, August 11, 2013

Wal-Mart: An Illuminati Experiment

Perhaps no other company that is more loathed while continuing to get more business is Wal-Mart, and controversy is no stranger to this corporation. From lawsuits to union-busting, Wal-Mart seems to always be known for underpaying employees and making its shareholders filthy rich, always. Aside from the monetary aspects, Wal-Mart also serves a second purpose and that is one of social experimentation for the Illuminati.

Once the NWO has taken control of the world, they must maintain that control and can only do so by preventing rebellion. This can be a complicated task and requires the disunity of the people. With your everyday individual becoming a lowly-paid serf, discontent will be high, and the Illuminati know that discontented people can do radical things when they're united. To prevent such unity, the secret order is compiling a strategy book on how to keep the masses divided. Much of the research for that book is coming from studies being conducted at Wal-Mart.

The discount chain is the perfect location for such a study. Wal-Mart pays extremely low, discriminates against gender, and has a talent for preventing unions. As a result, the company's workforce lives in poverty and has no means for recourse. After several decades in business, Wal-Mart has proven itself of great value to the Illuminati.

To the NWO, determining whether a police-state model will work in what will have previously been a free society is difficult. That is where the need for a social lab is necessary, and Wal-Mart provides that lab. Illuminati researchers have gained great insight into how to brainwash employees through mission statements and propaganda as well as learn how to root out rebellious troublemakers. Not only that, but they now have the knowledge to make it work in a democratic society.

To show how proud they are of their accomplishments with the discount chain, the Illuminati have changed the company's logo to reflect their symbolism. Today, a sun is Wal-Mart's most prominent symbol. If people aren't careful, Wal-Mart will be the future life of the world, a life where everyone is a slave mired in poverty and what little earnings the people receive go right back to the beast. It will be a life of secret informants and tireless propaganda. It will be what Orwell prophesized in "1984." It will be what North Korea is today. And, what's worse, it will all function in what was once a powerful, individualistic and democratic society.

That is the Wal-Mart way, always for the Illuminati, always.


  1. I actually work for a Walmart and I must say it has been a horrible experience. Especially the pay.

    1. I also work for Wal-mart, and it has been nothing but a horrible experience and I am currently seeking further employment. The pay is deplorable, and they condition in which they make you work is flat out slave labor. Even the AC is controlled by Corporate, and not only are the employees forced to work in sweat, many customers complain about the heat as well. Everything written in this article is absolutely correct. Across the nation, they say that homeless people are "allowed" to use the parking lot to sleep in their cars at night. Have you ever noticed how the police drive around these parking lots taking inventory?? People need to smarten up! We are all living in very dangerous times.

  2. We're always disgusted whenever we read about Walmart's predatory employment practices. That way of life will be the norm for us all if we let the Illuminati win.

    1. You are absolutely correct. People need to smarten up. Most people refuse to believe this is even possible. They call it crazy. The are blind sheep. By October all our debit & credit cards are supposed to have that "chip" in them. These "chips" are tracking devices. Soon they will be implanted in our foreheads. You won't be able to shop, bank, or just about anything without this damn thing planted someplace in your body.

    2. October 2015.

  3. people that work for walmart, and expect to make a living as a regular stocker or scanning ice cream are ignorant. people expect to just be handed everything in life. the reason why you get paid at walmart is because you don't have to do shit really. walmart is a great company to be employed with and has many advancement opportunity's. there is no reason that just because you work for a big company you should get paid more just because of that. I think the world has just gone soft and no one realizes the actual value of a dollar anymore.

    1. I work for walmart and I work hard and get paid horribly. Walmart is a horrible place to be employed and anyone who think otherwise is ingrotant. You obviously don't work for walmart because you don't know what the he'll your talking about and 9 times out of 10 your white

    2. I currently work for Wal-Mart to get me through school. When I first got hired I was excited. I was naive like you at first but that didn't take long to change. Wal-Mart never hires enough people but expects us to get the job done regardless. That is why Wal-Mart employees are usually grumpy. I didn't expect to be paid a ridiculous wage but simply just a livable one. You should try to work there you ignorant prick and I guarantee you will change your tune.

    3. Whomever Mr. Anonymous is that made this post is a complete moron. Let him reap what he sows. Save the argument. He is a fucktard that doesn't have a fucking clue.

  4. I work for Wal-Mart that's no one's fault but mine... but I must say it's the worst experience of my life.. I'm writing on leaving... but trust me die any one to say we do nothing at Wal-Mart you crazy and you really should go kill yourself... Wal-Mart makes millions on top of millions... so there's no reason the last should be so low... Wal-Mart won't even allow there workers to gain more then a dollar raise in a year's time.... that's terrible... but we pay the price for not doing what it takes to be in that career that will afford us that lifestyle...

    1. You are absolutely correct. God bless you all!

  5. Anyone that works for Wal-mart needs to get the fuck out. Find another job and you won't regret it. Anyone that SHOPS at Wal-mart is brainwashed. Wal-marts "logo" is "save money live better." That is a LIE! No one saves money and lives better by shopping at Wal-mart. Shop some place else. People need to open their eyes and see things for what they are and stop being the blind leading the blind. Our country is in deep shit, and if we don't smarten up, we will all be buried in our own stupidity.

  6. JOHN 17:17 A.A.S.

  7. Dude I work for Wal-Mart and this is dead on I bust my ass 30 plus hours a week and hardly make 1000 a month and can't get a manager to sign off on pathways to get my raise that I've been waiting for. It's always ungodly got in the store and I never get a chance to breathe I can call for help and it's almost an hour before I get it! It's horrible there but it's the best paying job around me with my lack of education.

    1. Another thing to notice in the rebranding and changing of store logos is the pared down, cleanliess of the fonts. In the future, we will go to 'stores' named "Food", "Water", or "Clothing". Each will have the same dualistic color scheme, like the black and white generic-branded products in the Supermarket. We will be 'shopping' as 'consumers' when in reality we will be re-stocking our necessities of life with the illusion of product choices, paid for with 'credits' by our government issued 'careers'. There will be no need to fool us with the shiny product packaging anymore. We will be happy just getting the stuff, period.

  8. A lot of strange things go on in the Walmart office, including asking questions such as "What do you want?"

    Many of the women start meds while working in that store.

    Customers ask odd questions about persons who work there while holding pickle jars with the name of the employee as the brand, etc.

    One time an asset protection person with the same name as the manager passed a message for said manager in cloak and dagger fashion.

    Many employees lie to get others into the office or fired.

    Police have a close relationship with the store managers and will take unlawful action against employees the manager dislikes.
