Sunday, October 12, 2014

Kim Jong Un, "The Interview", and the Illuminati

Latest Update: Following a North Korea supported hack against Sony Pictures and threats to moviegoers, "The Interview" has been pulled and will likely not see a major release. Now, what does this mean for the regime and how is the Illuminati involved? In our previous articles (seen below), we interpreted the controversial film as a warning to Kim Jong Un telling him to behave or suffer the consequences.

From the looks of things, those warnings were heeded. North Korea released the three Americans it had detained and has since toned down its violent rhetoric. Don't get us wrong, the rogue nation is very much still an enemy, but its leader must be what the Illuminati wants him to be. Apparently, that might be the case here.

In exchange for Kim's adherence, the order has staged Sony's hack
and used it as an opportunity to pull the movie. This means that the Dear Leader is undoubtedly redeemed from his previous transgressions and no longer has to worry about becoming a pop culture icon of ridicule.

And if you don't think the Illuminati are behind this, consider one thing. The average North Korean computer scientist can barely use the basic functions on a Macbook. Do you really think they have someone who can hack past a major company's firewall? 

Original Article: Kim Jong Un is missing and has not been seen since early-September 2014. No one is saying a word about his actual whereabouts but speculation is rampant. Some are saying that he's ill with gout or obesity-related complications, and others are saying that he has been secretly replaced by his top subordinates. Whatever the "experts" are spouting, we can say this. They're missing the mark and hoping that you will too.

Before we explore the details, let's establish some facts. The North Korean despot has had a tumultuous start to his reign. He has had to execute several high-ranking officials and received two visits from Illuminati member Dennis Rodman (These visits were done under the guise of basketball, but they were really intended to make sure Kim stayed in line unless he wanted to forfeit his power). Recently, Kim has shown little interest in behaving. He has detained three Americans and continues to prepare for war. While all of this is supposed to happen, it has to happen on the Illuminati's terms.

Only the order truly knows where Kim is. We speculate that he might have been whisked away to a programming center for "redirection" or maybe even assassinated. What we do know is that the whole "illness" scenario is unlikely. Between Kim's age and his apparent weight, the likelihood that gout or diabetes has crippled him for over a month is laughable. If you doubt us, take a look at your chums who feast on their McDiets. How old are they when their bodies begin turning on them? We're betting that it's older than 31.

If Kim's disappearance is due to illness, we're thinking that it might be linked to assassination. The despot enjoys consuming imported foods, and these can be tainted without him or his security knowing. On the other hand, he may very well be undergoing MK Ultra programming. His importance as an enemy of the "free world" is too important, and the Illuminati probably believes that an intense counseling session would be more beneficial than replacing him. If he reappears, then that is what likely happened.

However, the case for assassination is made a bit stronger with the impending release of "The Interview", which is about two reporters ordered by the CIA to kill Kim Jong Un while in Pyongyang. The basis of this film is simplistic and not likely to appeal to a broad audience (Few people follow international affairs). Therefore, we do not think it will generate much profit, if any at all. Originally, the film was supposed to be released in October 2014 but has been delayed until Christmas. Starring Illuminati members James Franco and Seth Rogen, this film is a message to the North Korean despot telling him to behave or die. 

The fact that James Franco is one of the lead actors says enough. This guy has been demonstrating the side-effects of MK Ultra programming for nearly a year now. From his televised mooning, semi-nude selfies, and crazy tweets, Franco is on the verge of a total meltdown, yet he managed to get it together for this film. That should say something to Kim. 

What we here at IW think is that Kim Jong Un is alive but on his last chance. His disappearance is necessary for programming, and he should soon return. We believe this because of "The Interview's" delayed released. The Illuminati is still warning him but will grant him one last opportunity. If Kim doesn't follow the order's instructions, then the film will become a prophecy fulfilled. 

Before signing off, we would like to take a moment and say hi to those in the DPRK who monitor the internet for negative press about the "Dear Leader". What we now have to say is meant especially for you. Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il, and Kim Jong Un are merely pawns that serve higher leaders. Unless you already know this, then you need to free your mind and see the Illuminati as your ruling power. It's philosophy is far more sinister than the most twisted forms of Juche.

Update: Within 24 hours of our posting this article, photos emerged of Kim Jong Un walking with a cane. The images have no dates and could easily have been altered to look current. In fact, the earliest reports said they were probably fabrications. That's changed since the Illuminati have likely ordered its minions in the media to go with the story.

We are not fooled, however. Simple photographs should not be convincing to anyone that the "Dear Leader" has returned. Even the regime must realize that current video footage is the only thing that can confirm re-emergence. Anything else will not do. If you doubt us, then ask yourself if you think a few still images would be sufficient to show someone's return after an extended and unexplained absence. We didn't think so either.

So, to you people from the DPRK reading this, better luck next time. You can't fool those of us who have seen what is real and freed our minds.  


  1. Thanks for the link! It's very informative. People are just too scared to acknowledge the truth.

  2. There was definatley a secret societies meeting going on when that us basketball turned up that game was just a cover story

  3. A couple months back when I first saw the trailer for this, I knew it would spike drama. Its a distraction by the Illuminati and something big is going to happen. God bless.
