Sunday, January 25, 2015

Monsters Inc. and the All Seeing Eye

The Walt Disney company is one of the most pervasive and perverse organizations working to destroy the minds of our children. In 1995, it began coordinating with Steve Jobs' new start-up, Pixar, and has become more evil ever since. No doubt, the Illuminati use this mega-corporation as its main force to brainwash the youths of the world, and one of its most glaring examples can be found in the computer-animated classic "Monsters Inc."

Not only is there overt symbolism in this movie, but the story line itself serves as a metaphor for the Illuminati's quest to indoctrinate kids. We'll look at the film's images first with the most notable reference being the Eye of Providence in the Monsters Inc. logo. That eye is ever-present throughout the movie and serves as a reminder that the Illuminati controls us. Let's also not forget that the fictional company serves to provide energy. This is also symbolic of today's energy companies and how they rule our lives. Take the Koch brothers for example, these two order members literally run America and do so on the foundation of oil.

The All Seeing Eye references don't stop there either. One of the main characters, Mike Wazowski (voiced by Billy Crystal), is a little green blob boasting one eye and devil's horns. Sure, he acts cute and seems friendly, and that's the trap. The Illuminati is using this character to try to impress upon children that it's nice and cool, while simultaneously telling them that it's in charge. Could the evil film makers be anymore genius?

Yes, they can, and they do it too in the sequel, "Monsters University". In this humorously dark film, the All Seeing Eye can be seen not just in the company's logo but also the logo of a college. This is also an Illuminati message telling people that the order not only controls the energy companies but also academia. Do not let professors and so-called experts tell you that the Illuminati is long gone and the NWO is a paranoid conspiracy. They're either severely brainwashed or part of the order. Just ask anyone who has tried to introduce new ideas to scholarship. Unless those "ideas" fit Illuminati purposes, they're tossed and slimed along with the people who proposed them.

That brings us back to our discussion of "Monsters Inc." and it's twisted purposes. We've covered the symbolism. Now, let's cover the metaphor of how the Illuminati gets into our children's heads. The film does this by showing monsters scaring children at night to obtain energy and presents an image of terror in the dark. Eventually, one of the kids becomes enchanted with the monsters and befriends them. This is how Illuminati brainwash works. The order implants terrifying ideas into children's minds in unbelievable ways, and once the kids are familiar enough with the imagery and ideas, they become enamored with them. Just as they show us in the film. 

So, go ahead and call us crazy, schizophrenic, paranoid, or whatever makes you feel better. Take our posts and make fun of them on whatever site suits you, but be sure to remember our warnings. You will heed them one day. Afterall, what good can come out of a company with "666" in its logo.

To our supporters, we thank you!


  1. This is the stupidest thing I've ever read

    1. I guess you've never read the New York Times then.

  2. Also note the door types in the movie. Christian doors are one of the more common door types found. None are represented in the movie. In fact, they are only reversed to show an upside down cross. Was this by accident? I think not!

  3. Actually, the monsters also represent demonic visitations on children which is something happening all the time to kids all over the world. These monsters terrify the children and the parents tell them it was just a dream. The kids eventually start to talk to them in some cases and befriend demons who later possess them. They go on to join occult and new age later in life which is all demonic witchcraft.

  4. I think that it symbolizes adrenochrome harvesting during satanic child sacrifices. Sick bastards!
