Monday, July 27, 2015

Don't Listen to the Media! Tin Foil Hats Really Work.

That's right! Wearing a tin foil hat really can protect your mind from being invaded and warped by the Illuminati and its pawns in the government and communications industry. According to science, aluminum foil can block cellular phone and wireless signals. This is very important news and explains why pop culture stereotypes anyone wearing a tin foil hat. If Hollywood can convince ordinary people that anyone who wears such a hat is a "nutjob" then they can keep those who know the truth from wearing them, particularly in public.

Derogatory terms such as "tin foil hat wearers", "bunker people", and "paranoid extremists" have been in use for quite some time, and their purpose is to publicly shame us into not protecting ourselves. By wearing aluminum foil, we can protect ourselves from the mind warping powers of cellular phone signals. By now, it should be no secret that the Illuminati use the powerful radio waves blasted by transmitter towers to disrupt the equilibrium of the masses. Think about the rise in mass shootings since the proliferation of mobile devices. As these toxic radio waves fill the atmosphere, more and more people are going crazy. Between Wifi and 4G, our atmosphere has become one giant toxic field of radiation.

For the moment, the technology to truly control minds is still developing, but it's not far away from perfection. The Illuminati is only effective at manipulating the minds of those on the brink of mental instability, exacerbating already dangerous attitudes. Soon, it will evolve into direct mind control where the people will become mindless drones with a single keystroke. For those anticipating a zombie apocalypse, this is how it will happen. 

You can protect yourself and can do it without fear of public ridicule. One trick is to line the inside of a baseball cap with aluminum foil. Those of us here at IW will not emerge in public without our hats. Another method to keep your mind safe is to line as many rooms in your house with aluminum foil. This will keep those dangerous radioactive waves from entering. To further ensure your safety, you should consider eliminating Wifi and using a direct cable for your internet access. Even though wireless isn't as strong as cellular towers, it can still have a subtle effect.

All of this may sound like extreme paranoia, and to those who are so immersed in pop culture and mainstream media lies, it is. For people that have adopted the Illuminati's mega lies as gospel, accepting the truth is near impossible. We wish we could provide you with more credible evidence. Unfortunately, all of the so-called credible sources are controlled by the secret order. Harvard and Yale will not approach this subject candidly but are likely doing secret research for their masters. The FCC, FDA, and CDC won't do anything more than dismiss us as fear mongerers that should be ignored. 

Nevertheless, we will persevere. One thing to keep in mind is just how fragile the human brain really is. It's composed of billions of cells, electrical impulses, and chemical reactions. Throwing off that perfect equilibrium can be achieved with very little effort. Incense, fumes, and stimulants can do it in very small doses as can powerful radio signals that are being blasted at your skull. Pop culture wants you to believe that taking protective action makes you a loon, but that's the opposite of the truth.

Take care of yourselves and your families and wear that tin foil hat!  


  1. Post more frequently please!

  2. Thank you for the good articles. I learned to use protective Orgone Generator which provides protection from EMF, radiation and all forms of harmful energy.

  3. Love this!!! I check your blogs frequently. I love all of your pieces. Please post more :-)

  4. We will do our best. We've got a few articles in the pipeline. Thanks for your support and readership!

  5. This is so weird. I have suffered with chronic, debilitating Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) for YEARS. After reading your comments about tin foil hats, I decided to play with it and wrapped my head in plain old store-brand tin foil. Suddenly, NO TINNITUS! The constant, mind-numbing ringing is NOT THERE. I left it on for five minutes, and still no ringing. Then, I took the foil off, and within about 30 seconds, the ringing was back. I need to do more research on this.

    1. Yes this is true about the ringing being gone or less loud.

    2. It really works.. I want to spread it for the world but people think I am crazy. Also silver water helps as well. Thanks for the article.

  6. I personally use a wireless signal. (I think) But I would rather not wear tin foil or aluminum, as I barely wear hats in public or to school. Any suggestions that would make me not seem crazy, yet be protected from this stuff?

    1. Stop caring what people think, follow your small voice, live or die your choice, simple as hat.... no butty.

    2. Looking crazy to others is of no consequence compared to the consequence of being enslaved and MADE crazy .. quit caring what brainwashed drones (still love em) think and do what you need to do!

    3. ..besides the normies are the crazy ones. Dont care whether you look crazy to crazy people lol

    4. Get one of these... its disguised as a hat. Subtle but they work.

  7. I first wore a tinfoil hat today underneath my camo baseball cap. Instantly I feel more clarity. The 'el'-ites (satan worshipping 'Jews') are definitely seeking to disrupt the minds of those who know most. Stay strong, brethren. Fight the good fight.

  8. I'm with ya but consider this too.. I've looked this up and need to do more in depth research but what I'm reading says aluminum does reflect certain types of Rf but actually magnifies others which are also the frequencies used for govt and mind control.
    So are they saying that to get us to TAKE OFF the hats to be mind controlled? OR are they saying this stuff to get us to PUT ON the hats to be mind controlled? Cuz if you think you need the hat for protection , cuz you are an independent thinker but in reality wearing aluminum makes their brand of mind control worse- well. Totally something "they" would do..

    1. L.Wood you're the only sane person here, everyone else is insane. I personally thank you on behalf of the whole world.

  9. Hello, thank you for your post. in a time like now where 5g is out, please suggest what really works on emf and rf absorption

  10. i didnt wear my hat for about a week and ive grown warts in unsavory places, is that due to 5g?
